What happens in a Ritual Play session?

Every Ritual Play dynamic is unique as you are invited to engage in an experience without a predetermined goal.


However, each Ritual Play session has 3 parts:

  1. Arriving: We will talk about your intentions with choosing to come to Ritual Play. We will talk about the limits and the possibilities of playing. We might also do some easy exercises to arrive and prepare.


  1. Playing: The play dynamic between us, is non-verbal. You will be invited to use breath, sound, movement, to notice and express honest impulses & responses in an interactive dynamic.
  • We will use a defined space.
  • We will use a timer.
  • We will have a stop-word.
  • We will have a few rules that support the interaction.
  • We will use a couple of very simple structures to begin and end the play.


3. Ending: We will end your Ritual Play session by dialoguing around eventual associations, reflections, feelings, sensations the play dynamic brought about. The intention of the dialogue is to integrate the play dynamic in a meaningful way for you.

If you connected with any of the above points, I invite you to book an introductory session.