About me

Marina Kronkvist, Finland

I love evolving mine and other’s ability to engage in meaningful, mutually empowering, loving, full spectrum dynamics.

Ritual Play is a new interactive session format & workshop I have created. Ritual Play is also my participatory art practice, my yoga and my favorite social meditation.

I empower lovers and change-makers, through Ritual Play and Money Mindset coaching, in finding their own unique way of contributing to the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible.

In 2007 I published my book ’Hon som fick veta’ (She Knows). I wanted it to be a book for children, instead it became a book written by a child. In the story, a little girl knows that her parents will die soon. Accepting that she knows intensifies life and time. The story is also my story, it is about the gifts and pains I have integrated from the experience of death in my family at a very early age. Loving Play is the gift.

I have a MA on the subject of Sexuality as Art (2013) and a BA in Aesthetics and Body Awareness from Helsinki University. My license for sexual education is from the Sexsibility Coach Training Program in Stockholm, Sweden. With The Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute have I studied body-based treatments to trauma. And Margret M. Lynch has certified me as a Tapping into Wealth Transformational coach in 2014.

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